Wednesday, November 18, 2015


1.) Are you for or against adding watermarks to your images? I am for adding watermarks on photos simply to prevent people from taking your original artwork and posting it saying that it's yours. While a lot of watermarks are big and in the middle of the photo and doesn't look to good, they're useful (in that certain way) because no one can crop it out without crop out 90% of the picture,

2. If someone took your photos & wouldn't give you credit what would you do? I would confront the person whether it's online or in person. If the person is pretty nice about it and apologizes and take it down from wherever they posted it and day they took it from another artist, then it would be all cool; but because little to no people do that, i would make it known on where i originally posted it that someone took my work and would post a link to where that person had posted my work.

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