Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ten Years

Myself in Ten Years

In my collage, I incorporated everything I hope to be involved with and hope to accomplish in ten years. I changed the background to space because even though I don't know what I want to major or minor in college one of my option is studying Astronomy and possibly Astrophotography. I most likely won't actually study Astrophotography in college, but it's a hobby I do wish to have within the next ten years. 
I included the logo for the Peace Corps inside the lens of a camera. I love photography and I hope I will continue with it for the rest of my life; I also hope to join the Peace Corps after I finish with college and hopefully I'll be a returning volunteer throughout my life. The reason the logo is inside the lens of a camera is because I hope that while I'm volunteering with the Peace Corps I can also use photography to really emphasize the struggles of the people and animal I'll be helping. I hope that I'll bring very moving photos home after those two years and still make a difference even when I'm not overseas.
I included a dog because who doesn't love dogs? There's an engagement ring which doesn't actually mean I want to be engaged but I at least want to be in a serious relationship. I included a house I hope that I'll have a house or at least my own apartment within two years. I put in money because I hope to at least have a job or two and am almost or close to being financially stable. The DNA double helix and atom symbols because they go with my other options of what I'll hope to study in college. Those two options would be Genetics or helping with Stem Cell research. The atom symbols are for with Microbiology or Neurobiology.
This is my ideal future in ten years.

Friday, April 22, 2016

My Food Photography

Food Photography

In both photos the photographer did a very good job at capturing the element of th food in a way that makes you want to eat it as soon as possible. in both photos, the food that's being focused on in obvious. The photos aren't crowded with other items or foods. The food being photographed is the main focus. An interesting way the photographers did this way by not having the food in the actual center of the photo, they're actually off to the side which makes it more refreshing and not as bland.

Article Paragraph
I actually learned quite a bit when reading the food photography articles. I learned that it is extremely important to have a really amazing chef in your corner and it's not just about going to a fancy restaurant and taking pictures of what you ordered. Details are extremely important! Obviously with any photo you have to focus on the detail, but with food photography it's literally the most important thing. What I didn't realize that was so important was using natural lighting. I never really imagined how important natural lighting was, I assumed that synthetic lighting isn't as good. A shallow depth of field is something I've never heard of someone using. It's where the main thing is very close to the front of the lens, not the farthest. All in all the main point of food photography was just to have fun with it and be creative.

Weekend Work #11: Time